Bury me deep inside your heart

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killawolf12Jun 23, 2009

hi!  i really love  your pacifiers you made for t oddlers but i was wondering where you got the hair for murumo toddler and the mirmo toddler ...  \:D

Herzen & BlasenMay 4, 2009

Hallo =) my ...sis!!! FeliZ ....CumpLeee!!! xD....waaaaaa....sTass Reee... viejaaa...Seee....Teee...Qereee...Muchoo...Muchowww (L  [x.Ashu.x] xoxo

maxi kingMar 7, 2009

\:wub\:Just thought I say:Hi!And have a nice weekend!\:wub\:

beatifullieFeb 15, 2009

I know about the Sims 3. My uncle told me it... But the first I did not belive him. But when he showed me it. Yes, they lied about February...\:mad\: 

beatifullieFeb 15, 2009

Hi Maru!!! \:D \:D ..I don't know "Sakura Card Captor". Hahaha.. That's realy nice memories about it. \:D You started the university... How is it look fro? And is it fun? \:D \:D \:D I know, I know so much questions, but I'm still in hight school, it's something special for me. So you decided to study faculty in chemistry... Isn't it a bit  difficult? Will you be a Chemistry Professor in a few years... \:rah\:  You are sogoi... And I wos born 7ht october 1992. And do you know, that I wanted to ask you it, too? \:D  And when is your birthday? And I play Devil may cry 4!!!! \:ph34r\: I'm dependent on it. It's great game! So big thanks! \:D By the way, I wish you nice valentine's day! \:D Hugs  

beatifullieFeb 9, 2009

Hi Maru! \:D There is a "Devil May Cry 4"? Now I'd been watching trailer.... *shocked* \:rolleyes:  OMG It looks like FINAL Fantasy!!!! I must have it!!!! THAAAANKS A LOT MARU! \:D I didn't want know end of wolfs rain.. I think that I willn't be watch last episode.. becose I always cry at the end. I'll try "Maria Holic". I have for you anme too... It is "Tsubasa Chronicle"... It's a lot of episodes.. I think that is movie, too. I like "Tsubasa Chronicle - Tokyo Revelations" best. Becose I watchet it first...and In part of Tokio Revelations are vampires so it was first who I give heeded to. ( and they are cute) \:ph34r\: But I don't know the succession episodes... And also one thing... Do you know "Code geass"? Hugz\:D

beatifullieFeb 9, 2009

Hi Maru! There is a "Devil May Cry 4"? Now I'd been watching trailer.... *shocked* \:rolleyes: \:ph34r\:  OMG It looks like FINAL Fantasy!!!! I must have it!!!! THAAAANKS A LOT MARU! \:D I didn't want know end of wolfs rain.. I thimk that I willn't be watch last episode.. becose I always cry at the end.  I'll try "Maria Holic". I have for you anme too... \:D It is "Tsubasa Chronicle"... It's a lot of episodes... I think that is movie, too. \:D I like "Tsubasa Chronicle - Tokyo Revelations" best. Becose I watchet it first...and In part of Tokio Revelations are vampires so it was first who I give heeded to. ( and they are cute) \:D \:ph34r\: But I don't know the succession episodes... And also one thing... Do you know "Code geass"? Hugz \:D 

beatifullieFeb 7, 2009

Hi Maru! \:D Yea, I saw trailer of VK game.... I visited their homepage. I can't wait. But it's still only in Japanese. I think that The sims 3 will be abailable realy fast everywhere. OMG you have so cute banner! \:wub\:  And I have new anime for you. So I hope that you will like it. Do you know Devil May Cry? It is about man, who killing daemons. It is like Blood+ and Claymore. Hugz \:D

beatifullieFeb 1, 2009

By and by I'll send you 1.part... \:D I thik that it will be better when I'll be sending it in smaller parts... (becose it's realy addicting..)  \:D Okay, tell me please when will be most highly temperature...and at that time I'll visit you... \:D \:D \:D Our summers.. August is usually hot but highest temperature is about 38°C but only one day.. usually we have cloody sky and it's rain. Only 2 weeks are more hot and whith clear sky... TT_TT I must read "Twilight" but now I have still school... I must stand for holidays.... I'll try "Kigeki" And BTW how are you? Hugs \:D  

beatifullieJan 30, 2009

Hi Maru! \:D Sorry for late reply. I had bags of work. (I did manga for competition... \:\( even thought I didn't catch up with do it) BTW I'm translateing for u "Doors of chaos", for now I have 3 pages... I hope that You will understand it. I will sending it you in parts. And my hair-style... I have hair-line. It looks like Kanon Wakeshima's hair, but I have shorter hair and more thin-bodied hair-line. I agree, chapter 47 of VK is differnt. Chiefly about Zero. Maru, snow is maybe nice, but if you have snow every one winter when it's -25°C... that time it isn't nice... Maybe once in 3 years whit for at least -5°C it would be realy great! Aaah, I want hot days. TT_TT Now, snow is finaly gone but it going to once again cool. That is horrible. If you want you can visit me... Jackob have pretty well fans. I like Edward best. Probably you finished all trilogy. So how is it? And no I didn't watch "Elfen Lied" complete, yet... Hugz \:D

beatifullieJan 24, 2009

Hi Maru! I'm fine. I have a new hair-style. \:D And how about you? how are you??... Yea.. Gas is here...TT_TT What? You had 38°C?! Here wos 3°C, snow is gone and now is all about only watter. Hahaha I want visit you. \:D here we don't have so big warmness.... Yea Haji is my fav, too.. He is realy amazing. I ended to see "Blood+"... \:D I can't say to you spoilers.. So letter we'll can talk about it...\:D And I know "Wolf's Rain".. I like it.. But I don't know where I ended watch it.. \:D I'm maybe in 12 episode... OMG I saw TWILGHT!! I love it... Edward is so cute! Are u reading? Hahahah.. It must be realy good. I will try it, too..   Hugz\:D

beatifullieJan 16, 2009

Hi Maru!!! \:D Sorry for late... but now is half-year.. My mum want kill whit learning of... \:rolleyes:  ... OMG I hope that I will live after it... Now... I hope that verz soon will be gas holidayz. \:D Umm... Now in our counry we have problem.. becose from Russia, we have offtake gas and  Ukraine had a problem ( they be false money )...Now all student waiting for miracle... \:D \:D  And I agree..we are a pair of silly girls.... Okey I will try "Saikano", when my mum will go out. \:D And you have holidays, haven't you? So how are you and what's new? \:D \:D Hugz  

beatifullieJan 13, 2009

Hi Maru!!! \:D You feel better. That's good hear about it... I know... Poor zero... He is alone... I'm thinking about him...still, too.. But now ... I think that I talked you about it. I read Doors of chaos... And there is boy as Zero... He is Zelfa and they are realy alike, their mien and demeanor, too.. \:D \:D \:D And here are alike persons as Yuuki, Ruka, Maria and Kaname... Hahaha..  And I saw first episode of Elfen Lied.... It's realy GooD!!! \:D Hugz \:D 

beatifullieJan 11, 2009

Maru.... I know how you are feeling... poor you... I'm crying too...I know... that's realy cruel... But don't worry we happy.. Vampire knight game is soon here!!!! ... It will save us... When I read manga I wos so happy when Zero kissed Yuuki and I thought that they will be couple...But it's realy hurts.... and I'll try "Elfen Lied" thanks.... Take care...

beatifullieJan 10, 2009

Hi Maru!!! \:D Oh.. I'm glad when u like it.. No, it isn't Simple plan. First time I think so, too.. Haha \:D \:D But it's FaberDrive. \:D I to searched someting about them, and I to found that they have song in "Twilght"...\:ph34r\: Zero, good choise \:D I want something whit Vampire knight, too... but I steadily don't know. And I know... It's realy plodding when I must steadily wait. TH meeting... \:D \:D That's great!! So it wos fun.. \:D And do u know when will be TH meeting agin? \:D \:D \:D Hugz \:D 

beatifullieJan 9, 2009

Hi! \:D I see that you have new avi!! \:D Shiki and Rima \:ph34r\: ... And probably, now is after meeting. So what  were you doing fro? And how  wos It?... "Twilight"?? Ummm... here it isn't steadily... I think that it will be soon here... maybe in the late February or in March.... But I want see it.... Again vampires \:ph34r\: wohahahaha!!!!! Hugz \:D 

KaliniaJan 7, 2009

Happy New year!!! Thank you very much for your comment!!!!\:wub\:

beatifullieJan 7, 2009

Hi Maru! \:D Yea.. LUCKY YOU!!!! I don't want snow more... I want summer!!! Here it is soooo cold... I agreee.. We realy need VK game... So "Tokio Hotel meeting"?? And what will you be doing? Of course I'm still watching "Blood+".... Whit Czech subs!!!! Wohahahahaaa \:ph34r\: \:ph34r\: And how about you? And do you like it? \:D Hugz .. And BTW Thank you so much for ur gift...\:wub\:

beatifullieJan 6, 2009

Oh.. I forgot... I looove MCR... In ur MCR Kids Bedroom is Gerard soooo CUTE!!!! \:wub\: \:wub\: Yea... I realy love it!!! Thnx. Great job! Martina \:D

beatifullieJan 6, 2009

I wos to crying when I wos watching it... Poor Zero, For him it wos realy cruel... Yea... he remain alone.... his brother is dead, his parents are dead, and girl who loved, she came off whit boy which he realy hate... So I agree whit you... I realy need VK game... This action needs repair. \:D \:D \:D Hugz

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